Revolutionizing Client Management and Skyrocketing Sales for Health Consultant Shweta Singal

Unleashing Success: The Incredible Journey of How Automation Supercharged Shweta Singal’s Health Consultancy, Resulting in Soaring Sales and Thrilled Clients


Introducing Shweta Singal, a dedicated health consultant hailing from the USA, offering a range of comprehensive programs: weight loss, skin care, hair loss, joint pain relief, and an earn-from-home business program. With a deep commitment to transforming her clients’ lives, Shweta faced the challenge of managing a growing influx of client inquiries across her diverse programs. Recognizing the need for an effective solution to streamline interactions, respond promptly, and drive sales and lead generation, she turned to automation.

Client Background

Originating from the USA, Shweta Singal had established herself as a trusted health consultant, but as her clientele expanded, her operational complexities multiplied. Managing the surge in client communications, personalizing responses, and effectively marketing her programs posed significant challenges.



Inadequate response times due to the overwhelming volume of messages spanning her various programs.


Difficulty in structuring client data and monitoring program progress in an organized manner.


Limited capacity for personalized client interactions, impacting satisfaction levels and client trust.


Struggling to amplify program visibility, attract leads, and stand out in a competitive market.


To address these challenges, Shweta embarked on a journey to explore automation solutions. Her quest led her to Twister Automation, an innovative agency specializing in automation strategies, known for its transformative impact. Collaborating with Twister Automation, Shweta communicated her unique requirements and operational pain points.


In close partnership with Twister Automation, a bespoke automation plan was meticulously devised for Shweta. The agency seamlessly integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) automation technology into Shweta’s website and communication channels. The CRM automation was thoughtfully programmed to handle common queries, furnish program details, manage appointment scheduling, and curate pertinent data for Shweta’s review.

Moreover, the CRM automation extended to Shweta’s weight loss program, where clients could conveniently log their daily weight progress. The automation bot calculated the weight difference since the previous day and the start of the program. Similar personalized functionalities were incorporated into her other programs, including skin care, hair loss, joint pain relief, and the earn-from-home business program.

Revolutionizing Client Management and Skyrocketing Sales for Health Consultant Shweta Singal


With the CRM automation technology in place and guided by Twister Automation:


Shweta's response times saw remarkable improvement, leading to heightened client satisfaction.


Routine tasks were effectively managed by the CRM automation, enabling Shweta to concentrate on personalized interactions.


Client data was streamlined, facilitating organized program tracking and precise support delivery.


Automation empowered Shweta to consistently promote her programs and respond swiftly to lead inquiries.


The CRM automation solutions delivered by Twister Automation heralded a paradigm shift for Shweta’s consultancy business. Automating everyday tasks allowed Shweta to regain invaluable time, now dedicated to strengthening client bonds and crafting innovative program content. The CRM automation emerged as a virtual collaborator, ensuring no inquiry remained unanswered and delivering an impeccably smooth experience for potential clients.

User Interaction



Lessons Learned

Shweta’s experience underscored the potential of embedding CRM automation technology into her business fabric. This journey underscored that technology not only augments efficiency but deepens client connections.

Client Testimonial

“Twister Automation transformed my consultancy enterprise. Their CRM automation revolutionized my client interactions, empowering me to focus on core client needs. The upswing in sales and leads has been extraordinary. I extend my heartfelt gratitude for their expertise and unwavering support.” – Shweta Singal, Health Consultant


Shweta Singal’s triumph illuminates how CRM automation technology can redefine a health consultancy enterprise. Collaborating with Twister Automation, Shweta overcame the complexities of managing client interactions, elevated client contentment, and witnessed an astonishing surge in sales and lead generation. Harnessing the potency of CRM automation, Shweta’s consultancy ascended to unprecedented heights, cementing her standing as a revered health consultant in her domain.

Next Steps

To explore the potential of CRM automation for your enterprise, reach out to Twister Automation at the following contact information: