Revolutionizing Client Management and Skyrocketing Sales for Health Consultant Shweta Singal

Revolutionizing Client Management and Skyrocketing Sales for Health Consultant Shweta Singal

Shweta Singal, a health consultant based in the US, encountered difficulties in managing client inquiries spanning various programs. Seeking to address this, she engaged Twister Automation for CRM solutions to streamline interactions and boost sales. Twister devised a customized CRM automation strategy, seamlessly integrating it into her operations. The outcome was marked by enhanced response times, better-organized data, and a notable uptick in sales. This experience underscored the significance of CRM automation in amplifying efficiency and fostering stronger client relationships.

Monk Transforms Lives and Deepens Engagement Through Kommo

Monk Transforms Lives and Deepens Engagement Through Kommo

Ganga Narayan Das launched an 80-day Masterclass Program centered on the teachings of the Gita. Confronted with difficulties in enrollment management and participant communication, he pursued an application for meticulous record-keeping and tailored guidance. Twister Automation intervened by integrating CRM systems and deploying WhatsApp chatbots via Kommo, simplifying communication channels and automating program administration. Outcomes included heightened program engagement, personalized interactions, and profound transformations in participants’ lives. Insights gleaned underscored the efficacy of CRM automation in bolstering operational efficiency and fortifying client relationships.